Monday, November 15, 2010

Time to Catch Up!

Well, I've fallen behind here for awhile. Sorry about the lag on this blog, I've been concentrating more on the new HHS webpage. You can check it out at

We've had a lot going on at HHS this first quarter...

We've just wrapped up Cross Country and Volleyball seasons, and the Varsity Football season is extending into the playoffs...

Cross Country featured standout performances by a Frosh heavy squad including the Lara brothers.

Our Freshman Volleyball won their league this year.

Our Football squad will be facing Army-Navy in CIF action this week, following last Friday's exciting match with Calipatria as the Boys of HHS reclaimed the AXE!

Our First-Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Night in October was a rousing success, with staff and students showing our community that we care.

We are seeing record numbers of Seniors exceeding our 2.o GPA level this fall, and had 33 students exceed the October AR Goal of 25 points.

District and Site staff barbecued Hamburgers and Hotdogs for the school on Homecoming, and will do it again this FRIDAY!

Our parent nite in October saw record setting attendance as the community turned out for food and fun at HHS.

Our MESA club has begun preparing for their first-ever Robotics competition and our FFA took officers to the National Conference in Indiana.

So yes, we are still here.. we are still active... and we are still SUCCEEDING!

I'll work harder on keeping this blog up to date, so keep checking in!

Monday, August 30, 2010

School Opens

Well HHS couldn't have asked for a nicer way to begin school... West winds over the weekend meant our kids returned to temps in the 70's! Gone were the white flies and the humidity and back were the smiles and hugs!

550 bright and shining faces made their way to their new Advisory class at 8:00am and the energy and excitement bode well for the coming year!

Friday, July 23, 2010

New Web Page!

The Holtville High School web site, together with all Holtville Unified School District websites, has undergone a major overhaul to help us improve our ability to communicate in a timely and professional manner with our staff, parents, students and community.

New elements include easier navigation, better news update features, a dynamic new calendar and even the opportunity to immediate twitter updates of news stories and events.

Our school web address has changed as well... we may now be found at:

and don't forget to sign up for our new Twitter Feed at .

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Changes on the Horizon...

Holtville High is preparing for the 2010-2011 school year already, and as we look ahead we want to share some of the changes we see on the horizon...

New Staff:
We will be welcoming at least two new teachers to HHS.
Mrs. Samantha Williams nee' Stacey will join our Math Department, and
Ms. Cynthia Lopez will join our English Department

New Assignments:
Mr. Queen will move from 9th Grade English to 11th Grade English,
Mr. Van Acker will move from 11th Grade English to 12 Grade English

New Class:
Every student will see a new class on their schedule this August. All students will have an Advisory period each morning from 8:00 to 8:13. This short class will be the home for all announcement, surveys, and will involve regular notebook checks and conversations about class and school concerns.

New Bell Schedule:
Classes will now begin at 8:00AM every day. This is five minutes earlier than in the past, so it will be an important change for students and families to get used to.

Congratulations to the Class of 2010

HHS bids a fond and sad farewell to our young men and women of the class of 2010. This remarkable group of ladies and gentlemen took a final walk across the field at Holtville High School's Jim Birger Field on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 and began the next part of their journey.

We wish them and their families all the best and want to express the deep joy we have felt in working with them for the past 48 months!

Good luck and great discoveries!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Public Schools Week

This week is Public Schools week, and at HHS we are celebrating by holding our annual Spring Showcase. Tonight at 6:00 parents and community members can visit our campus and catch a glimpse of the terrific work being done in classrooms. Our Band and Chorus will be performing in front of the Gym, so come check out all the great things happening at HHS.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Testing on the Horizon

Coming a classroom near you... the 2010 California Standardized Testing!

That's right, the CST's are back!

On Tuesday, May 4 the students of HHS will begin a week of testing. This annual event is especially important this year as we look to make up the ground we lost on our API last year and show strong gains in student performance.

Students need to make a special effort to be at school every day for testing, as there is a very tight window for the testing and makeups.

So plan ahead... schedule any appointments for late in the day or postpone them until after testing!