Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Volleyball and Cross Country with Wins!

Wow... what a great couple days for the Athletes of Holtville High School!

On Monday our Tennis Team took their talents to the Dickerson Courts of Central Union High School and came back with terrific victory over the Spartans.

Then tonight (Tuesday) our Volleyball girls took their chances at the Dogpound as they faced off with Calexico High School. All three of our teams came home with the win, including a Varsity sweep in Three!

Congratulations LADIES of HOLTVILLE HIGH!!!

Now its time to focus on Thursday's big rematch with Central's Girls on the Volleyball court. In their last encounter our Lady Vikes fought out a five game victory, so expect the Spartans to be out for revenge! Make sure you turn out and support our girls in this "Game of the Week"!

Good Luck Ladies!

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